Thursday, August 28, 2008

What I Learned From Paleoism

Words of wisdom from Lew Rockwell in 2002.

Leaders are rarely as ideologically sound as followers...

Private intellectuals have more freedom to speak out; politicians, as a part of their job description, have to seek a broader appeal...

Even before the 104th Congress met in official session, however, hope was lost when old-timers like Newt Gingrich subverted the revolution, consolidating power and persuading the radicals that it was their civic duty to betray every election promise they had made...

do not place your hopes in politics as an instrument of social change. After all, libertarians believe in a completely depoliticized society...

Strategic thinking is essential, but no matter what the political moment seems to demand, libertarians must never be drawn away from the first principles of liberty and private property. Never permit yourself the slightest compromise with those two principles, and check every political position you hold against them...

Never underestimate the power of bad ideas. They must be refuted again and again...

The primary goal of intellectual outreach to other camps cannot be to convince others, ... but rather to learn from others and improve your own understanding. The movement grows not by leaps-and-bounds, but step-by-step...

Always focus on the long-term, while doing what’s right day-to-day. Someday you will see, and maybe sooner than we think, that all your efforts on behalf of liberty have helped reap huge rewards for civilization. When that day comes, however, you will not receive any credit, and that is fine because the point is not institutional or personal aggrandizement. Others will jump in to grab the spotlight and attempt to subvert the movement, and our job will begin all over again.

What I Learned From Paleoism

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