Monday, August 18, 2008

Neocon Crybabies by Steven LaTulippe

Steven LaTulippe writes:

it’s hard to garner much sympathy for the Georgians. The Russian counteroffensive merely gave the Georgians a stiff dose of precisely the same medicine they were planning to give to the Ossetians.

All in all, it was a humanitarian tragedy, but hardly a heartrending tale of Georgian victimhood.

But America long ago ceased to analyze events with anything remotely resembling an objective moral standard. Nowadays, the only yardsticks our imperial elites understand are power and self-interest...

But from all the whining in the media, you’d think it was the Russians who actually started the war...

In truth, each and every one of these principles has already been embraced – and even glorified – by the very neoconservatives who now so viciously denounce Putin...

Given recent history, the rest of the world must be watching Washington’s anti-Russian hissy fit with slack-jawed disbelief...

Putinism – as he defines it – IS a dangerous and destabilizing ideology. But he needn’t go all the way to Moscow to find it.

Neocon Crybabies by Steven LaTulippe

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