Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stop Voting! by Russell D. Longcore

Russell D. Longcore writes:

The worst possible candidates from the Republican and Democrat parties have floated to the top, much like what you see when you glance down into a toilet bowl...

The "political system" virtually guarantees that the most corrupt, the best liars, the most compromising, becomes the presumptive candidate. Both candidates are also the politician of their party most willing to violate the Constitution by continuing an unlawful war, and by initiating and approving the highest amount of unconstitutional Federal spending...

Think about it. The political system in America is populated with men and women who give lip service to the Constitution, but then go on to vote for every unconstitutional spending bill presented to them. They talk about the virtues of our constitutional republic, and then act to subvert and violate that very system of government.

A pure constitutionalist has no place, and no political base, in America in 2008.

Stop Voting! by Russell D. Longcore

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