Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin, Obama, and the Experience Issue--Stuntz (Less than the Least)

William Stuntz writes on Governor Palin's qualifications for vice president of the U.S., "Which brings me back to Palin. Clearly, her résumé is thin, maybe disqualifying. Perhaps the jobs she has held are too small to count in a national presidential campaign. But that isn't obvious, not yet anyway. What matters more, to me and I bet to more than a few others, is what she's done in those jobs. The fact that her approval rating among Alaskans is in Mark Warner territory suggests that she might be the kind of governor Warner was in Virginia. If so, that should count for a lot--even if she hasn't had much time in office. Because time-serving won't count for much in the offices these four candidates are seeking."

Palin, Obama, and the Experience Issue--Stuntz (Less than the Least)

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