Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Gun Thing by Tricia Shore

Tricia Shore writes, "What will happen when federally-trained police officers, many of whom have been trained to kill in the unconstitutionally declared Iraq war, come to your door demanding your children, as officers did recently in Texas? Do guns look so terrible, so ominous, when these things occur?"

The Gun Thing by Tricia Shore

Can You Really Love Your Country?

Sheldon Richman writes, "Insisting on the alleged virtue of loving one’s country mainly serves to give those in power a blank check."

Can You Really Love Your Country?

The State Punishes Mom/Wife/Peaceful Individual for Escaping Government's Dungeon-- Web Log

Thus it's not about being peaceful and not committing crimes, for that's not what the state actually desires in the end, though its propaganda will tell us otherwise. It's all about falling into line with the rest of the herd and setting a good example for acquiescence to the state and its collective prescriptions for determining how you will live your life. Web Log: The State Punishes Mom/Wife/Peaceful Individual for Escaping Government's Dungeon Archives

Arm Yourself by Charley Reese

Excellent and sobering advice.

Arm Yourself by Charley Reese

Don't Lower the Barr! - Property

Thought-provoking discussion of what an employee is allowed to have in or on his car while parked in his employer's parking lot.

Don't Lower the Barr! - Property

More on Fiscal Conservatives in Indiana AG Race -- The Hoosierpundit

The Hoosierpundit: More on Fiscal Conservatives in AG Race

Costas Endorsements See More Shrinkage -- HoosierAccess » Blog Archive

Indiana GOP Attorney General race update.

HoosierAccess » Blog Archive » Costas Endorsements See More Shrinkage

Climate-change Bill Would Devastate Families and Industries | The New American

Urge your U.S. Senators to vote against this damaging legislation.

Climate-change Bill Would Devastate Families and Industries | The New American

Must a Christian be a Libertarian?

Good, thought-provoking article on political philosophies.

Must a Christian be a Libertarian?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Socialism and the Chinese Earthquake - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Mises Institute

Socialism and the Chinese Earthquake - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Mises Institute

McCain and Able: How the GOP lost the evangelicals in 2008 and put Obama in the White House « Doug Wead The Blog

Doug Wead, Special Assistant to former U.S. President George H. W. Bush, writes:

Like it or not, unless something happens to change things, something beyond the control of the media and John McCain, his campaign is now cooked. Obama only has to avoid public attacks on Christians. And when he does so privately, he better make sure that this time, all telephone cameras are turned off.

McCain and Able: How the GOP lost the evangelicals in 2008 and put Obama in the White House « Doug Wead The Blog

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Enemy Is Always the State - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Mises Institute

"Let me state this as plainly as possible. The enemy is the state. There are other enemies too, but none so fearsome, destructive, dangerous, or culturally and economically debilitating... none are as horrible as the hydra known as the leviathan state."

The Enemy Is Always the State - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Mises Institute

Monday, May 26, 2008

"The Revolution: A Manifesto": We Americans have a Tradition of Rebellion

Good review. I really liked Congressman Paul's book too.

The RogueNation: "The Revolution: A Manifesto": We Americans have a Tradition of Rebellion

Nothing New by Charley Reese

Charley Reese gets it right (although he overlooks presidential candidate Ron Paul).

The only thing that delaying our departure from Vietnam accomplished was more casualties on all sides. The only thing that delaying our departure from Iraq will accomplish is more casualties on all sides.

Why would it be a stain on our honor to end the occupation of Iraq and hand the country back to the Iraqi people to govern as they please? It is, after all, their country, not ours; the oil is their oil, not ours. Not one candidate has the guts to say, "As soon as I'm president, I will order American troops to begin withdrawal." What happens after we leave is an Iraqi problem, not ours.

Americans had better get shut of their imperial delusions and fast, because we are following the path of every empire that has ever existed toward bankruptcy. Do you really want high gas prices, food rationing, health-care rationing and unbearable debt? What kind of standard of living do you think we can maintain with a collapsed education system, a broken infrastructure, a debilitated manufacturing sector and a debt-imploded failed economy?

One reason we are so in debt is that the brainless in our country have been paying for the defense of Europe and Japan ever since the end of World War II.

That allowed Europe and Japan to modernize their factories while ours deteriorated...

For a republic to survive, it needs a well-educated people with self-discipline and high morals, healthy agricultural and manufacturing bases, sound money and a frugal but wise government. I don't see much of that around these days.

April 26, 2008

Nothing New by Charley Reese

Tuesday, May 20, 2008