The following parallel came to mind today while listening to the President's press conference on the Gulf oil spill.
Princess Bride excerpt
Prince Humperdinck: Every ship in my armada waits to accompany us on our honeymoon.
Buttercup: Every ship but your four fastest, you mean. Every ship but the four you sent.
Humperdinck: Yes. Yes, of course. Naturally not those four.
Buttercup: You never sent the ships. Don't bother lying. Doesn't matter.
Thu, 27 May 2010 Obama press conference excerpt
President Obama: We will hold BP accountable for every last penny of damages.
Injured parties: Every penny except for the billions of dollars that exceed the $75 million cap on liability the U.S. government grants to oil companies, you mean. Every penny but the ones you excluded.
Obama: Yes. Yes, of course. Naturally not the billions of dollars we excluded by the federal cap on liability.
6 hours ago
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