"We have no legal authority, no moral authority, and certainly no divine authority to interfere with the internal affairs of any other nation. It should not matter to us what kind of governments other people have or what their cultures are. There is nothing in the Constitution to authorize the federal government to tax Americans and then write checks to foreign countries. There is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the president to take us to war. That is a power reserved exclusively to Congress"
George Washington Had It Right - by Charley Reese
The One Agency that Trump Won’t Cut
52 minutes ago
I,agree, George Washington did have it right, along with many others of that era.
The question is how is it so many in Washington, have it so wrong? And a greater more important question is, how come this nation of many smart well-educated people,continue to tolerate such flagrant wrong doing in the seats of elected politicians?
Anne Cleveland
Thanks for your comment, Anne.
I would blame it on the education system. Predominantly home /private schooling in Washington's day and predominantly government schools for the last several decades.
"government schools were always INTENDED to turn American children into enemies of freedom."
An Outline History of Religion in American Schools (No Bible/prayer in public schools? Show me)
From skimming your most recent blog post, I think you'll likely concur.
The Tax Supported Socialist School System (Issue 177)
Regards, Bill Starr
Tue, 10 Mar 2009, 2:14 pm EDT
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