Saturday, December 06, 2008

Trust In the GOP? by Butler Shaffer

Butler Shaffer writes:

There is no mention, however, of the one essential ingredient to the Paul phenomenon that is missing in the Trust's memo: the commitment to consistent philosophic principles that united so many behind Ron's campaign...

Where were these concerned "Trustees" when their GOP president, George W. Bush, was engaging in wars that put billions of dollars into the pockets of their corporate friends, and led this same president to state, to members of Congress, that he would declare martial law if they did not pass legislation bestowing hundreds of billions of dollars of largesse upon Wall Street banking interests? Is the GOP so hopelessly bankrupt that some of its members must resort to a distinction without meaning that condemns state socialism while ignoring its own contributions to the state-sponsored economic destruction emanating from a Republican White House?

Ron Paul’s success has been due to a growing awareness – particularly among young adults – of the fundamental distinction between the "free market" and the "business system."

Members of the next generation – those capable of and having an incentive to do the math – have figured out that the present system will prove a disaster for them. With a population of approximately 300,000,000, the anticipated $7,600,000,000,000 corporate bailout will, by itself, cost a family of four some $100,000...

As the last eight years have confirmed, conservatism in general, and the Republican Party in particular, have long been morally, spiritually, and intellectually bankrupt...

For more years than I can recount, we have long had a one-party system in America, disguised in the form of two branches that owe their allegiances to the country’s corporate owners, and who espouse minor variations on the same establishment-serving themes...

James Wolcott: "To stop being conned, stop conning yourself."

Trust In the GOP? by Butler Shaffer

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