Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Analyzing Global-warming Science | The New American

Interview of Dr. Arthur Robinson by William F. Jasper.

The current temperature is about average for the past 3,000 years...

Moreover, the temperature, which is going up very slowly, is correlated with the sun’s activity, not hydrocarbon use...

Right now the UN claims that they have about 2,500 people involved in this and about 600 scientists seriously involved. This is what Al Gore would point to today. We have more than 22,000 scientist signers of our global-warming petition who’ve looked at the issue and concluded essentially the opposite of these United Nations people...

Science does not depend on polling... The only thing our petition demonstrates is that there is no consensus among scientists in support of the UN claims...

Scientific truth is not determined by polling or by convening meetings...

As you know, climatologists have trouble predicting the weather a week or two in advance. They surely cannot predict climate many years in the future...

We can show that the hypothesis of human-caused global warming is false, however, because we have enough empirical data to falsify this hypothesis. Human-caused global warming is a hypothesis that has failed so many experimental tests that it is clearly without merit...

First, just because the UN has spent an enormous amount of money to convene meetings of 600 mostly self-interested people... to try to determine something that isn’t knowable with current data and techniques, and produce a report, proves nothing.

Moreover, many of these 600 disagree with the conclusions that the UN-IPCC advertises. The scientists are never allowed to approve or disapprove the final report, and many of the comments that they submit for publication in the report are rejected by UN bureaucrats... So this report is not even approved by the people who are claimed to have authored it. This is a fraudulent process.

... they often unethically omit that part of the data that does not agree with their hypothesis. They pick the parts of the data that favor their conclusion and discard the rest. If you play with the data, you can falsify with it. So the UN is picking parts of the data. We are considering it all.

Al Gore also makes a big deal about glacier recession... But he only shows the data for the limited time intervals that seem to support his claims...

The glaciers have been shortening for 200 years. They started shortening a century before significant amounts of CO2 were produced by human activity...

The glaciers started shortening long before we were using significant amounts of hydrocarbons, and, when we increased our use by six-fold, the shortening rate did not change. Therefore, human hydrocarbon use is evidently not the cause of glacier shortening or the mild natural temperature increase that is causing that shortening...

In those curves, the temperature goes up before the CO2 and goes down before the CO2. The CO2 lags the temperature. And the reason it does is that the CO2 rise is caused by the temperature rise rather than vice versa... Gore shows the curves with poor resolution, so that this cannot be seen by the viewer...

If the UN controls, rations, and taxes energy, they will have the power to determine whether you can run a wood stove, whether you can run an automobile, or can use any of the technology that makes our modern life possible...

The power to tax and ration energy is the power to control the world — to have life and death control over every human being on the planet. No government should ever have this power. The United Nations-IPCC process is not about the climate or saving the environment. It is about power and money — lots of it.

Should Gore and the UN succeed, the effect will not only be diminished prosperity in the United States. In underdeveloped countries, billions of people are lifting themselves from poverty by means of hydrocarbon energy. If their energy supplies are rationed and taxed, they will slip backwards into poverty, misery, and death. This fits the population control agenda of the United Nations.

If the misuse and falsification of the scientific method that drives the human-caused global-warming mania succeeds, it will cause the greatest acts of human genocide the world has ever known. It must be stopped.

Analyzing Global-warming Science | The New American

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