Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Get a bike helmet to get ahead - or maybe not - Telegraph

Good commentary from across the pond. I think my daughters will like it. They have a rebellious streak. Personally, no one wore helmets when I starting riding bikes in the 1960s, but I don't miss those days now that inexpensive helmets are available to help us cut our risk. Same thing with seat belts.

However, I don't think government should be telling us we must wear them.

Hat tip to Vaughn Treude at

Lawyers versus Free Speech by Vaughn Treude

We need to be clear about the trade-off. The price of liberty is a small but appreciable loss of security; the price of security is a loss of liberty. In the case of the 42 days, the increase in security is obviously too small to justify the loss of a freedom such as habeas corpus.

As for cycle helmets, we should be allowed, in our muddled way, to make up our own minds. Sometimes we will go for hatless, sun-blessed, windswept liberty; sometimes for helmeted security.

The important thing is that we assess the risk, we make the decision, and be it on our own heads - or, in the case of my helmet, sometimes not.

Get a bike helmet to get ahead - or maybe not - Telegraph

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