Dom Armentano is Professor Emeritus at the University of Hartford (CT). He writes:
Last week the New York Times revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been secretly intercepting telephonic and email communications between U.S. citizens since 9/11. This systemic non-court-sanctioned domestic spying is, of course, strictly illegal but President Bush quickly and casually rationalized all of it in the name of "protecting us from terrorism." ...
But to be "shocked" by the recent New York Times revelations is, frankly, to have been fast asleep for the last 50 years...
Am I outraged by the recent spying revelations? Of course. There should be no government monitoring of private communications (telephone, email, cable, etc.) absent prior approval from a judiciary that demands the highest proof of a national security "risk." But am I surprised that agencies like the NSA have, again, illegally snooped on Americans, this time with a presidential sanction? You must be kidding.
The National Snoop Agency (NSA) by D. T. Armentano
Mark Carney- Grim Reaper
1 hour ago
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