Monday, October 06, 2008

We Are All Ron Paulians Now, John McCain :: Liberty Maven

The Liberty Maven blog writes:

Ron Paul has been predicting our economic calamity for many many years. An argument could be made that even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes, but Paul has been right so many times that one wonders if he has the ability to see into the future. The truth is that it is the common sense of Austrian economics that guides Ron Paul toward his prophecies...

A “let them fail” policy is not something we proud Americans enjoy hearing, but how much pride will Americans have when our economy collapses like the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War? Sometimes the politically incorrect response is the correct response...

Now that the bailout bill is the law of the land, resulting in the Treasury Secretary having supreme power over the economy, wouldn’t it be wise to turn the economic steering wheel over to a driver who knows when it is proper to ease up on the gas?

What would Ron Paul do with his new found powers? Likely not too much other than work toward a true free market economy where the market rather than the government decides which financial institutions are permitted to fail.

Repeat after me, “It is okay to fail. That is how you learn” , and dare to dream.

We Are All Ron Paulians Now, John McCain :: Liberty Maven

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