Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Northwestern Indiana county changes mind on Central time

I see that county officials in northwestern Indiana's Pulaski County have voted unamimously to declare "home rule" and stay on eastern time with Indianapolis, whether the DOT grants their appeal to do so officially or not.

While I personally favor central time for the entire state, I am pleased to see this declaration of local sovereignty. Perhaps there are a few counties on eastern who would prefer to join their neighbors on central if it turns out to be this easy.

Pulaski County officials point to the five counties in southeast Indiana that have been exercising "home rule" for decades to keep their clocks in sync with Cincinnati and Louisville, without any official sanction from the state or federal governments, and yet apparently with no objections from them either.

I'll bet there will be lots of pro-eastern folks pleased to see this move, who would raise quite a howl if St. Joseph decided to follow the same precedent and go on central time instead.

AP Wire | 02/06/2006 | Northwestern Indiana county changes mind on Central time

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