Wednesday, October 01, 2008

We Who Dared to Say No to War by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Great book. My library just got a copy and I get to be the first one to read it.

I find myself wishing these people were around to help slow down the rush to the undeclared war with Iraq.

"These writings are so moving, so wise, so devastating to the propaganda we’ve come to expect around war. They are the voices we rarely hear in history classrooms, which cannot seem to tear themselves away from the great war speeches of our heroic presidents. Do I agree with everything in this book? No, and neither does Murray. But every single one of these selections is morally serious and worth reading. The classic oratory of war, the saccharine promises of war, the myths and propaganda that have driven war – all these things have enjoyed the spotlight long enough. The sane people deserve to have their say."

We Who Dared to Say No to War by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

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