Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Lower Labor Costs Now! - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Mises Institute

Great recommendations from Lew Rockwell.

"A dramatic initiative to lower the costs of hiring could end up having great effects. It could wean us from the World War II–era mistake of pushing the costs of health care onto employers. It could force a desperately needed reform of Medicare and Social Security. It would shift the locus of control over employment contracts from government to those affected most directly by those contracts: namely, the individual workers and the firms for which they work."

"Of course what you read here is roughly the opposite of current policy trends, which are to increase rather than reduce the costs of hiring. This is how government ends up taking a bad situation and making it worse, which is what it has done consistently throughout history. This won't change until the public makes its demands known to the elites."

Lower Labor Costs Now! - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Mises Institute

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