Monday, July 28, 2008

Save Lives by Doing Nothing |

“Moral imperative” and “duty” are commonly heard call to actions for donating to the less fortunate. Recently these appeals have been raised for the crisis in Myanmar...

By donating to Myanmar, we are propping up a ruthless, violent dictatorship that is responsible for some of the worst atrocities in modern times...

The left and many on the right would rather ‘feel’ like they are doing something rather than doing the right thing, which is nothing. Yes, that’s correct, doing nothing is the best course of action. Sometimes, meddling in the affairs of others only makes things worse.

After sending $500,000,000,000 to Africa over the last 30 years, Africa is experiencing poverty more severe than when the “War on Poverty” started. It’s unfathomable that we continue with the same plan despite obvious indications over many decades that the situation is only getting worse.

Save Lives by Doing Nothing |

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