Thursday, July 24, 2008

Everyone's Favorite Villain - by Nebojsa Malic presents the following non-politically-correct view.

Bosnia was used by the U.S. to establish the Imperial prerogative to intervene in other countries without much regard for the UN or international law. What soon followed were Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. There is no way the Empire will even entertain a challenge to its narrative, as without the Bosnian myth it crumbles entirely. Says Trifkovic:

"Radovan Karadzic will be duly convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity, and he will not come out of jail alive. The verdict is already written, but it reflects a fundamental imbalance. It ignores the essence of the Bosnian war – the Serbs' striving not to be forced into secession – while remaining mute about the culpability of the other two sides for a series of unconstitutional, illegitimate and illegal political decisions that caused the war."

The judgment against Karadzic, writes Trifkovic, "will be neither fair or just, and therefore it will be detrimental to what America should stand for in the world. It will also give further credence to the myth of Muslim blameless victimhood, Serb viciousness, and Western indifference."

Everyone's Favorite Villain - by Nebojsa Malic

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