Thursday, February 21, 2008

Arming the Academy | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom

Selwyn Duke writes:

Does it make sense to think that declaring a school a "gun-free zone" will do anything but render the hands of potential white knights gun-free?

Then there is the idea that individuals deemed sane enough to carry a gun beyond the boundaries of the academy are not equipped to do so within them. Are we to believe that, upon stepping foot on campus, a person is seized by a unique madness that causes him to temporarily take leave of his senses?

The reality is that the academy is a great bastion of leftist feeling posing as thought, and its minions just don’t like firearms. But with gun-free now synonymous with shooting spree, they would do well to remember that guns don’t kill people, bad policies do.

Arming the Academy | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom

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